

An Agency of the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport


The Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) launched its 2018-2019 Jingle Competition at the fifth annual Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshop, which was held at the Jamaica Conference Centre (JCC) in Kingston on Wednesday, October 3, 2018.

The 2018 Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshops and the Jingle Competition form a part of JADCO’s 10th Anniversary celebration. JADCO celebrated its 10th Anniversary on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 and in recognition of this milestone, the organisation will continue to host commemorative activities throughout the year under the theme, Keeping Sport Clean, Forging Better Partnerships.”

Speaking at the workshop, Executive Director of JADCO, Mrs. June Spence-Jarrett said, “There is no doubt that the only way we can protect clean sport in Jamaica is through partnerships.  Here at JADCO we are on a new path to forge better partnerships. As a result, we wish to improve our relationship with our athletes and their support personnel and more so, our junior athletes. Today, I would like to encourage you all to continue to play your part in the process.”

Also speaking at the workshop, Kaylie Lewars, student athlete from the Wolmer’s Trust High School for Girls said, “I have benefited from this workshop in many ways, it showed me that not all substances are good to use as a professional athlete and how to go about acquiring a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).”

Mortimer Bennett, coach of St. George’s College said, “This workshop has allowed me to gain valuable information in relation to the use of drugs and the sanctions that athletes may receive. This workshop also allows me and the students that I would have exposed, to understand the importance of staying away from the use of drugs and the importance of working hard in order to win in their respective events.” He further added, “The Jingle Competition that JADCO has launched is very important because it allows the students to use creative means to highlight the functions of JADCO and also allows them to socialise amongst their peers and have fun.”

The Jingle Competition is designed to increase awareness of JADCO’s role in the fight against doping in sport within secondary schools and by extension, the public. The competition will engage secondary school athletes across the island in a contest which will enable them to demonstrate their musical talents. The deadline for submitting entries will be February 15, 2019. The winner will receive a trophy and $40,000, while second place will receive a trophy and $30,000 and third place will be rewarded with a plaque and $25,000.

JADCO is hosting four Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshops across the island during the month of October. The first workshop which was held at the Jamaica Conference Centre catered to secondary school student athletes and support personnel from schools in Kingston and St. Andrew, St. Thomas and St. Catherine. Participants at the workshop were provided with values-based education, as well as information on the role and responsibilities of JADCO, the doping control process and the health consequences of doping.

The Commission will host three additional workshops during the month of October at the Golf View Hotel in Manchester on Wednesday, October 10, The Wexford Hotel in St. James on Wednesday, October 17 and at The Cardiff Hotel and Spa in St. Ann on Wednesday, October 24.

For further news, please contact us here.

For further information, please contact:
The Communication and Education Department 
Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission
Ballater Multiplex 1 Ballater Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica