Sample collection, more popularly known as “drug testing” is an essential part of doping control and is used to detect the use of a prohibited substance or method by an athlete. It includes the collection of urine, blood or both and can be conducted in-competition or out-of-competition.

Once an athlete is selected, it is up to the Doping Control Officer (DCO) to carry out the doping control plan set out by JADCO. The Doping Control Officer’s responsibility is to ensure that sample collection occurs in strict accordance with the International Standard for Testing and Investigations while protecting the rights of the athlete.

A JADCO certified DCO or an accompanying Chaperone is responsible for notifying the athlete who is selected for doping control. At this time, the athlete will also be informed of his/her rights and responsibilities and will be required to sign the Notification Form. Once the athlete is notified, he/she must remain in continuous observation of the DCO or Chaperone until the DCO is satisfied that the sample collection procedure is complete.

Once an athlete is notified, he/she must report to the doping control station immediately. However, the athlete may request a delay in reporting to the doping control station for any of the following reasons: Competing in further competitions Participation in a medal ceremony

- Fulfilment of media commitments
- Performing a warm down
- Obtaining necessary medical treatment
- Locating a representative and/or interpreter
- Obtaining photo identification
- Completing a training session
- Permission may be granted by the DCO or Chaperone only if the athlete is able to be accompanied at all times.
Once an athlete is selected, it is up to the Doping Control Officer (DCO) to carry out the doping control plan set out by JADCO. The Doping Control Officer’s responsibility is to ensure that sample collection occurs in strict accordance with the International Standard for Testing and Investigations while protecting the rights of the athlete.
A JADCO certified DCO or an accompanying Chaperone is responsible for notifying the athlete who is selected for doping control. At this time, the athlete will also be informed of his/her rights and responsibilities and will be required to sign the Notification Form. Once the athlete is notified, he/she must remain in continuous observation of the DCO or Chaperone until the DCO is satisfied that the sample collection procedure is complete.
Once an athlete is notified, he/she must report to the doping control station immediately. However, the athlete may request a delay in reporting to the doping control station for any of the following reasons: Competing in further competitions Participation in a medal ceremony
- Fulfilment of media commitments
- Performing a warm down
- Obtaining necessary medical treatment
- Locating a representative and/or interpreter
- Obtaining photo identification
- Completing a training session
- Permission may be granted by the DCO or Chaperone only if the athlete is able to be accompanied at all times.
When the athlete is ready to provide a sample he/she should wash hands with water only and select a sealed sample collection vessel. The athlete is then accompanied to the washroom by a DCO or Chaperone. To ensure the DCO or Chaperone has an unobstructed view of the passing of the sample the athlete must disrobe from mid-torso to mid-thigh.
The athlete must provide a urine sample of at least 90ml in the presence of a DCO or Chaperone of the same gender. The athlete is responsible for retaining control of the collection vessel at all times until the sample is sealed.
If the volume of urine passed is less than 90 ml, the athlete will be required to provide additional urine until the minimum requirement is achieved. A partial sample kit will be used to store the insufficient urine and the DCO will guide the athlete through the procedures to ensure the integrity of the sample. The athlete will continue to be chaperoned until he/she is ready to provide additional urine.
The athlete will be asked to remain seated and relaxed for at least 10 minutes before undergoing venepuncture. Similar to the urine collection, the athlete will be asked to select the blood collection equipment to be used for the session from a number of available kits (including Berlinger blood kit, Vacutainer blood tubes, needles, etc.). They must also inspect the equipment and verify the sample code numbers. The Blood Collection Officer will ask for the athlete’s non-dominant arm, apply a tourniquet to the upper arm, and clean the skin at the puncture site. Once this is complete, the blood collection officer will draw blood from the athlete and fill each Vacutainer blood tube with the required volume of blood. At the completion of the blood draw, the Vacutainer tubes will be placed into the Berlinger A and B bottles.
During this phase of sample collection, the athlete representative may participate in the process as designated by the athlete.
JADCO adheres to the definition in section (2) of the Anti-Doping in Sport Act, 2014 which specifies that a minor “means a natural person who has not reached the age of eighteen years.”
JADCO has a responsibility for ensuring, when possible, that the DCO has any information necessary to conduct a sample collection session with an athlete who is a minor. This includes confirming wherever necessary that the necessary parental consent for testing any participating athlete who is a minor.
Athletes who are minors MUST be accompanied by a representative throughout the entire sample collection session. The representative however will not witness the passing of the urine sample unless requested by the minor.
Athletes who are minors MUST be accompanied by a representative throughout the entire sample collection session. The representative however will not witness the passing of the urine sample unless requested by the minor.
The objective is to ensure that the DCO/Chaperone is observing the sample provision correctly.
The role of the athlete’s representative will be:
To observe the DCO/Chaperone who is witnessing the sample provision (without directly observing the sample provision), or To be in the sample provision area and directly witness the sample being provided along with the DCO/Chaperone if requested by the athlete.
If a minor declines to have his/her representative present during the sample collection procedure, the DCO in charge of the mission can appoint a representative to observe the DCO/Chaperone when the minor is passing the urine sample, but not to directly observe the passing of the urine sample, unless requested to do so by the minor.
If a minor being tested is in JADCO’s Registered Testing Pool, the preferred venue for all out-of-competition testing is a location where the presence of an adult is most likely, e.g. training venue or at his/her place of residence.
Athletes with impairments can discuss the need for modification to the sample collection process with the DCO. The DCO may make modifications to the sample collection process to meet the needs of athletes with physical or intellectual impairments as long as the integrity of the process is not compromised.