

An Agency of the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport

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The Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) an Agency under the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport (MCGES) has been authorized by the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) through the Public Procurement Act (2015) and Regulations to issue procurement opportunities that become available from the Commission.

According to the MOFP procurement is a purchasing activity whose purpose is to give the purchaser best value for money, is simple, swift and without delays, impartial, consistent and reliable, follows rules and procedures, transparent and accountable. It connects vendors with entities requiring the simplest way of getting goods, services and works.

The Commission in utilizing the GOJ procurement policy is principled by the following: –

  1. Value for Money
  2. Efficiency
  3. Equity
  4. Fairness
  5. Transparency / Accountability
  6. Reliability
  7. Flexibility

These principles guide the way the Commission procures goods, services and works. In so doing the Commission under the act is authorised to post opening for tenders, issue general instructions for tendering, publish requirements and other documentation needed to complete the process with the following objectives in mind:

  • Adherence to the GOJ Procurement guidelines
  • Maximizing efficiency within the budgetary space provided
  • Promoting fairness, integrity and confidence in the selection of bidders
  • Receiving value for money whilst ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and quality for the long-term
  • Ensuring transparency in the procurement decision-making process

The Commission welcomes all bidders who qualify under the act, regulations and guidelines to submit for opened prospects and affirms that the selection process will be within stipulated guidelines.

We look forward to your bid submission.


There are no procurement opportunities at this time