

An Agency of the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport


The Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) highlighted the importance of a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) at the fourth annual JADCO Symposium, which was held at the Jamaica Conference Centre (JCC) in Kingston on Thursday, January 25, 2018. The symposium was held under the theme, “Therapeutic Use Exemption and You.”

The Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) is a certificate that allows an athlete to use a prohibited substance or method for the treatment of a legitimate medical condition.

Speaking at the symposium, Chairman of JADCO, Alexander Williams said, “We are aware of the fact that athletes experience illnesses occasionally and obtaining a TUE will reduce the likelihood of them receiving a sanction for a legitimate medical condition. Therefore, the mission of the JADCO team today, is to engage in dialogue with our stakeholders, to highlight the important role you play in guiding the athletes when they apply for a TUE.”

Guest speaker at the symposium, Dr. Kevin Jones, Chairman of the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission’s Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee (TUEC), shared on the theme, Therapeutic Use Exemption and You”. His presentation stressed the importance of the TUE which is a critical component in the fight against doping in sport. He said, “Jamaica has too many world class athletes, in multiple sports, at all levels, all over the island, for us to remain ignorant about the use of drugs in sport and the need for a TUE when a prohibited drug or method is required to treat an athlete.” He further added, “Since any member of an athlete’s entourage can be found culpable when an athlete tests positive for a prescribed banned substance, it is imperative that all individuals associated with an athlete, educate themselves about the use of prescribed medications and how to apply for the required TUE.”

Also speaking at the symposium, President of the MVP Track and Field Club, Bruce James said, “I am very pleased that JADCO had this symposium today, to empower the sporting fraternities throughout Jamaica with information on the Therapeutic Use Exemption. It is good to share this information with athlete support personnel because they play a crucial role in ensuring that athletes comply with the anti-doping rules.” He further added, “I was particularly impressed with the presentation by Dr. Kevin Jones, as I believe people need a lot more information on the Therapeutic Use Exemption.  I have been the President of the MVP Track and Field Club for over fifteen years, as a result, I am familiar with most of the information that what was presented here today, but the reinforcement is always good. I am very happy that JADCO had this symposium and they need to continue to get this information out to all the persons involved in sports in Jamaica.”

Also speaking at the symposium, Pharmacy Inspector of the Pharmacy Council of Jamaica, Aleena Langlay said, “The JADCO Symposium is an excellent reminder of the role and function of JADCO in safeguarding the standard of our sport and the spirit of competition. The Symposium provided practical and useful information which can be used to enhance service delivery and compliance on the part of all pharmacists. The promotion of the 2018 Prohibited List and exposure to the Therapeutic Use Exemption, as well as the insight into the sample collection procedure has been an eye opener for me. I am happy that I was invited to this event.”

Approximately 80 athlete support personnel attended the symposium, including members of sporting associations and federations, professional groups, school principals, coaches and sport administrators. The objective of the symposium was to help athlete support personnel understand the importance of theTUE and the process that athletes have to follow to obtain a TUE certificate, to avoid receiving an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.

The symposium included presentations on the functions and responsibilities of JADCO and the doping control process. The next JADCO Symposium will be held during January 2019.

For further news, please contact us here.

For further information, please contact:
The Communication and Education Department 
Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission
Ballater Multiplex 1 Ballater Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica