Carey Brown (2nd left), Executive Director at the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) and Dr. Mario Guthrie (l), JADCO Brand Ambassador, share a light moment with the winner and runners up in the JADCO Mascot Competition. The prize winners, Rachel Brown (c), 3rd place, Antonio Mundell (2nd right), 2nd place and Adjaynae Billings (r), 1st place, were presented with their prizes at an award ceremony which was held during the first in the 2015 series of Junior Athletes Anti-Doping Education Workshops for athletes and athlete support personnel from schools in St. Thomas, St. Catherine and Kingston and St. Andrew. The event was held at the Jamaica Conference Centre (JCC) in Kingston on Wednesday, October 7, 2015. Adjaynae Billings received $25,000 and a trophy for designing the winning mascot. Antonio Mundell and Rachel Brown were awarded $15,000 and $10,000 respectively for placing second and third in the JADCO Mascot Competition. The competition was held from October 1, 2014 to April 10, 2015 and was open to students from secondary schools across the island.