

An Agency of the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport

JADCO’s 2025 School Tour targets St. Thomas and Portland

The Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) has started its highly anticipated School Tour and will visit schools in St. Thomas and Portland over the next few weeks. The tour started on Wednesday February 12, 2025, and aims to engage student-athletes, teachers, coaches and other athlete support personnel in important discussions about clean sport, anti-doping education, and healthy, drug-free lifestyles.

JADCO’s School Tour is part of the organisation’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of doping in sports and to educate young athletes about the importance of integrity and fairness in competition. The tour will feature presentations designed to inform students about the significance of adhering to anti-doping rules and the consequences of anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs).

“We are thrilled to bring this important initiative to the schools of St. Thomas and Portland,” said June Spence Jarrett, JADCO’s Executive Director. “By reaching students at a young age, we can help shape a future generation of athletes who understand the value of clean sport and making positive choices, both on and off the field. It’s crucial that we educate and empower youth to make informed decisions about their health and athletic careers.”

The tour includes various schools in both parishes, where JADCO representatives will engage directly with students and staff to ensure a thorough understanding of anti-doping principles. Participants will also receive educational materials and resources to further their knowledge and help spread the message of clean sportsmanship throughout their communities. The tour started with Robert Lightbourne and Seaforth High Schools in St. Thomas.

The JADCO team will visit Paul Bogle and Morant Bay High Schools on Wednesday, February 19. Other schools on JADCO’s tour schedule are Morant Bay and Yallahs High in St. Thomas, Port Antonio, Titchfield, Portland and Happy Grove High in Portland.

For further information, please contact:
The Communication and Education Department 
Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission
Ballater Multiplex 1 Ballater Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica