

An Agency of the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport

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The Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JACDO) and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) have now signed a 15-month long, Joint Initiative Agreement that will enable  JADCO  to  immediately  benefit from the  organisation, which  has  over  20 years of anti-doping expertise. The agreement which was signed on May 15, 2014, will run through  August  2015  and  will  enhance  JACDO’s  capacity  to  implement  its  anti-doping programme locally and meet the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code.

Carey Brown, Executive Director, of JADCO, said that “The Commission is pleased to consolidate its  partnership with CCES and its guidance will be crucial in the further development of Jamaica’s anti-doping programme. We look forward to growing and strengthening the information exchange between our organisations and to learning from the positive examples of our new international partner as we seek to preserve integrity in sport.”

“We are pleased to lend our expertise to JADCO and assist them with the development of their anti-doping programme.” said Paul Melia, President and CEO of the CCES.  “Not only are we proud to be supporting JADCO’s efforts, this partnership also helps to ensure our Canadian athletes have confidence that all competitors continue to strive to play fair,” said Melia.

In March 2014, representatives of the CCES and WADA met with the JADCO Board of Commissioners and its Executive Officers to discuss the project plan and identify several specific areas for cooperation. JADCO will also receive guidance and technical assistance in making the necessary adjustments that will ensure that it will be ready to fully implement all the new requirements under the World Anti-Doping Code 2015 and the mandatory International Standards which will come into effect on January 1, 2015.

Minister with Responsibility for Sport, the Hon. Natalie Headley Neita welcomed the partnership and commended JADCO on moving the objectives of the agency forward. “This partnership will help Jamaica to continue to fulfil its mandate to ensure that all of our athletes are fully aware of the provisions of the WADA Code and the items identified  as prohibited  substances and methods as they continue to use their talents and hardwork while representing their country at the highest levels on the world stage.”

At the same time, R. Danny Williams, Chairman of JADCO, said, “The support of CCES is critical at this juncture and during the next 15 months the Commission will further establish the bona fides of JADCO and ensure that our athletes receive the kind of guidance locally, to ensure that they can perform with total confidence in all global sporting arenas.”

The CCES is an  independent, national, not-for profit  organisation with a responsibility  to administer the Canadian Anti-Doping Programme.  They recognise that true sport can make a great difference for individuals, communities and their country. The CCES is committed to working collaboratively to activate a values-based and principle-driven sport system; protecting the integrity of sport from the negative forces of doping and other unethical threats and advocating for sport that is fair, safe and open to everyone.

JADCO was formally established as Jamaica’s national anti-doping organisation with the passage of the Anti-Doping in Sport Act of 2008, Its mandate is to foster a doping-free sporting environment in Jamaica, which promotes the ethics and spirit of sport and deters the use of banned   substances   in   sports   through   education,   testing,   advocacy   and   programme coordination.

For further news, please contact us here.

For further information, please contact:
The Communication and Education Department 
Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission
Ballater Multiplex 1 Ballater Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica