The Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) now boasts a new website. Visitors to the information portal launched on September 4, 2014, can now access the interactive site at
This new website is JADCO’s latest initiative to provide guidance and communicate effectively with its target audience, which includes athletes, athlete support personnel and the public. The website is a user friendly platform that includes vital information to educate and inform stakeholders who require up-to-date information about anti-doping.
JADCO’s website encapsulates information about the doping control process, banned substances and news on developments at JADCO. It also provides users with easy access to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) E-Learning Component and decisions made by the Jamaica Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel (JADDP) and the Jamaica Anti-Doping Appeals Tribunal (JADAT).
The JADCO Communication team collaborated with Interactive Toucan Jamaica Limited to develop and design the website over four months starting in May 2014.
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