

An Agency of the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport


The Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) was established as part of the Government of Jamaica’s efforts to join other nations across the world in keeping sport clean. Thus, in 2008 the Commission formally opened its doors to persons who possessed the right skills and qualifications to execute its vision of becoming the premier world class anti-doping organization.

The Commission has careers in Executive Management, Administration, Technical, Communication, Education and Finance and Accounts. JADCO is striving to continue delivering excellence and achieve its vision through brand building and innovative solutions, provide highly skilled and motivated people while honouring our commitment to our stakeholders. We strive daily to fulfill our core values of professionalism, accountability, integrity, and respect.

It is JADCO’s policy that we ensure equal opportunity for all persons without discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disabled or other protected group status.

Are you interested in joining our highly motivated team who actively supports our vision? Then explore professional development opportunities at the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission, by emailing us your resume or sending your resume to the following address:

Executive Director
Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission
Ballater Multiplex
1 Ballater Avenue
Kingston 10

Job Listings